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Parent Volunteer Hours

Why do we have parent volunteer hours?
Volunteers are an integral part of the success of Our Lady of Grace Catholic School. The parents/legal guardians of our students play a crucial role in creating a vibrant and thriving school community. Your ongoing involvement in the school is critical to our mission of academic excellence and service to others.
Minimum Hours
Each family is required to volunteer a minimum of 30 hours per year (15 hours for single parent families). Families must work eight of these hours during the parish festival in September.
Due Date
All volunteer hours for the school year must be completed by May 15th.
Note: Failure to complete the required number of volunteer hours will result in a $35 fee for each unfulfilled hour. Financial obligations will be enforced the last week of school.
Reporting Volunteer Hours
Parents/legal guardians are solely responsible for tracking and reporting their volunteer hours using the Google form below. We recommend that you submit volunteer hours within two weeks of the volunteer event.
Note: If a volunteer event has a physical sign in sheet, you still need to submit your hours using the Google Form. If you sign in at the front office for an event, you still need to submit your volunteer hours using the Google Form.
Changes and Clarifications
  1. Physical sign-in sheets or SignUp Genius webpages will be turned in to the front office and used for verification and auditing purposes.
  2. Students may not volunteer on your behalf. (Students in grades 6-8 will get credit for services hours using a separate process.)
Hardships / Exemptions
Although it is always preferable that families complete required volunteer hours, we recognize that sometimes this is not possible. Hardships and exemptions need to be discussed with the principal and will be addressed on an individual basis. If approved, please submit a Parent Volunteer Exemption Form to [email protected] using the form below.
Please email [email protected] with any questions.

To sign up for Volunteer Opportunities, fill out the form below. 

Please select the areas where you would like to volunteer.*
Answer Required
Student(s) Grade*
Answer Required

Volunteering in any of these areas will assist you in fulfilling your parents’ hours. (30 hours for 2 parent households and 15 hours for 1 parent household.) Families that do not volunteer for the required hours will be assessed a fee of $35 per hour for unfulfilled hours prior to registration for the new school year. What constitutes parent hour is at the discretion of the administration.

**Examples of events where parents/guardians can volunteer at: School Events/Fundraisers (Fall Festival, School Auction, Book Fair, Heritage Day, Grandparents Day, Fun Run, Teacher Appreciation Week), Classroom Events and Parties, Classroom Volunteer / Teacher Helper, Event Chair, Classroom Parent, Field Trip Chaperone, School Board Member, PTG Officer / Committee Member, Attend PTG meeting (1 volunteer hour), and/or CYO Board Member / CYO Coach.

Confirmation Email